Executive Session Negotiations Continue
American negotiations continued this week in Washington, DC. By mutual agreement, the Chairperson of the National Mediation Board (NMB), Linda Puchala, joined our negotiations. The purpose of entering Executive level negotiations is to bring the talks to a successful conclusion and to the degree the NMB can assist in that goal, Ms. Puchala is welcomed.
The conditions set forth in agreeing to NMB participation is that the parties (the Company and the Association) will set their own meeting schedule that is not dependent on the availability of the NMB representative and that there be no interference with the Association communications to our TWU and IAM members.
The bargaining sessions this week focused on some of the difficult language issues that have been left open during the negotiations up to this point. The Association participants in these talks vigorously defended the positions laid forth in our ongoing negotiations. Progress at the table has occurred with some success. While some critical items have been addressed and general agreement has been signaled by the parties, we know full well that a total agreement must include economic agreements that are satisfactory to our negotiators.
Negotiations are scheduled to resume May 22nd with additional sessions scheduled after that week.
These joint negotiators remain fully committed to bringing the best contract in the industry for a vote of our membership. Your solidarity and support are both appreciated and necessary in order to achieve that goal. Remember, do not listen to rumors – your only official negotiations report is that issued by this Association.
Fleet Negotiating Committee:
Mark Baskett |
William Fa |
Mike Fairbanks |
Tim Hughes |
Steve Miller | Tim Murphy | Pat Rezler | Art Risley |
Andre Sutton | Rodney Walker | Bill Wilson |
Mechanic and Related/Stores Committee:
Jason Best Mike Bush Ken Coley John Coveny Dale Danker Mark Huffman
Bennie Martino Gary Peterson Rollie Reaves Sean Ryan Jay Sleeman Mark Strength