In continuing the process to initiate joint contract bargaining with American Airlines, your TWU-IAM Association Negotiating Committees have scheduled meetings the weeks of July 27th and August 3rd in Chicago, Illinois.
The Negotiating Committees will continue the “reconciliation process.” “Reconciliation” simply means that the committees examine contractual language—article by article—analyze the provisions and identify the best aspects of each collective bargaining agreement. Your negotiators will then “reconcile” the language of each existing contract and compose new provisions for the joint agreement that reflect membership proposals.
This important work will build on the substantial progress made at the Winpisinger Center last week.
We thank you for the continued support and solidarity, and are anxious to get to the table with American Airlines to secure the contracts that TWU-IAM Association members rightfully deserve.
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Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiations Committee:
Jason Best Mike Bush
Ken Coley John Coveny
Dale Danker Mark Huffman
Bennie Martino Gary Peterson
Larry Pike Sean Ryan
Jay Sleeman Mark Strength
Fleet Service Negotiations Committee:
Mark Baskett Mike Fairbanks
Pete Hogan Tim Hughes
Mike Mayes Steve Miller
Brian Oyer Pat Rezler
Art Risley
Andre Sutton
Rodney Walker Bill Wilson