AA Vaccine Mandate

October 22, 2021 Dear Sisters and Brothers: The Association conducted a follow-up call today with American Airlines regarding the vaccine mandate.  The Company continues to work through the religious and medical accommodations submitted by the membership....


The National Mediation Board dismissed the Aircraft Mechanic Fraternal Association’s (AMFA) application to conduct a representation election among mechanic and related workers at American Airlines. Last November the AMFA claimed a “representation dispute” existed...


TWU-AM-Association-All-Contracts-Contractual-Grievance-FormDownload TWU-IAM-Accociation-FLEET-Discipline-Grievance-Form-Fleet1Download TWU-IAM-Association-All-Contracts-BLUE-GRIEVANCE-FORM1Download...

American Airlines Announces Furloughs

August 27, 2020 As you all know American has announced that, barring intervention from Congress, it intends to begin furloughs October 1st. Your Association leadership was only provided with the reduction information late last night.  We have met with the...